The Cork Boardに,COPIAの記事が載っていました。これによるとNapa Valley Register(なぜかアクセスできません)に元従業員のコメントが書き込まれていたそうです。以下がその内容。
…I’ve talked to several employees that were impacted and some ex employees that were laid off in Sept. Copia as it exists now is done. They were told Friday Copia was closed permenantly through the rest of the year. They have a small crew of Management, Wine, and Maintenance employees, about 10, standing by to maintain building for prospective buyers and inventory assests. Copia’s board is looking to lease a space in downtown Napa to continue operations. This is what Copia’s upper management doesn’t want out to the public. All Copia employee’s are being paid wages and vacation time owed…
