1カ月ほど前に,ブロガーがWine Advocate誌のレビュアの倫理性についてパーカーに質すという記事を書きましたが,この問題をWall Street Journalが取り上げています


パーカーはこの問題への対応として,これまでパーカー自身についてしかかかれていなかったWine Advocate誌の他の評論家についてWriter Standardsの中に追記しています。かなり長いので,要約した部分だけ引用しておきます。

All writers hired as independent contractors must certify that they maintain rigid standards of independence and integrity, writing about what is in the bottle, free of external pressure. Infrequently, I do permit these writers to accept free airline travel and related but limited hospitality, but only for the purposes of education involving geography, geology, and lay of the vineyards in their areas of responsibility, or to speak at wine conferences. All tastings, other than expressly noted, are done either stateside in peer groups, or in author-organized tastings in the country where the wines are produced. They are done under both blind and non-blind conditions, at specific domaines, at centralized locations, and on occasion, with importers. I routinely purchase and taste some of their highly rated wines to verify and monitor their reviews for accuracy