ワインの味を表現するときに「ミネラル」ということばを使うことは珍しくありません。パーカーも使いますし,僕でさえ使うことがあります。ところがこの「ミネラル」の由来となるとよく分かっていません。そこに一石を投じる記事がWines & Vinesに載りました。
"minerality is only vaguely defined and not well understood. In fact, the one thing we do know is that it has very little to do with minerals."

The Myth of


"I think most of the minerality I have tasted results from higher levels of acid salts present in the finished wines, and is therefore primarily dependent on climate & viticultural practices."

The Zinquisition: Another nail in the minerality coffin!
