E. & J. Galloが今年創立75周年を迎えます。禁酒法が解けた年に作られ,両親の自殺という苦難を乗り越えて,ここまで成功したワイナリに育て上げたことは,掛け値なしにすごいと思います。かつては世界最大のワイナリといわれていましたが,現在は規模で言えば2番目(トップはConstellation Brands)。その代わりに「世界最大の家族経営ワイナリ」と称しています。

"-- 92% of Americans surveyed felt they would be more inclined to choose a family-owned business over a non-family owned business given the choice -- When asked which attributes mattered the most in family-owned companies, consumers placed pride of workmanship (76%), honesty (76%) and loyalty (61%) at the top -- Nearly three quarters of the wine drinkers surveyed indicated that E. & J. Gallo Winery"

E. & J. Gallo Winery Proudly Toasts 75 Years of Winemaking Excellence and Family Tradition